Reminder from the FLTF: Public Comment Remains Open for Sanford Permit Application - Hearing Set for July 5th Learn More
The Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy, Water Resources Division (WRD), has posted the following notice to the MiEnviro Portal home page. To make comments and view documents please click here. A public hearing will occur on July 5, 2023, at 6:00 PM via webinar. You can register here. The permit application is for the following work: Rebuild the right embankment and extend the existing steel sheet piling (SSP) cutoff wall into the dam foundation and install internal filter drainage layers with a toe drain
Construct a new auxiliary spillway across the top of the right embankment comprised of roller-compacted concrete (RCC)
Raise the existing primary spillway side walls and extend them downstream
Install new hydraulically operated crest gates
Fill the powerhouse with controlled low strength material (CLSM)
Construct a low level outlet right of the crest gates to maintain base flows
Flatten the left embankment slopes and install a blanket filter on the downstream side of the embankment